module documentation

Argument parsing for analyze_project.

Class Parser Parser with additional functions for config file processing.
Function convert_string Undocumented
Function make_parser Make parser for command line args.
Function string_to_bool Undocumented
Class _FlattenAction Flattens a list of sets. Used by --exclude and inputs.
Function _add_file_argument Add a file-configurable option to the parser.
Constant _ARG_PREFIX Undocumented
def convert_string(s): (source)


def make_parser(): (source)

Make parser for command line args. Returns: A Parser object.

def string_to_bool(s): (source)


def _add_file_argument(parser, types, args, custom_kwargs=None): (source)

Add a file-configurable option to the parser. Args: parser: The parser. types: A map from option destination to type. args: The option's name(s). Either a 2-tuple of (short_arg, arg) or a 1-tuple of (arg,). custom_kwargs: The option's custom kwargs.

_ARG_PREFIX: str = (source)

