package documentation

This module implements the Request class which is used to represent HTTP requests in Scrapy. See documentation in docs/topics/request-response.rst

Module form This module implements the FormRequest class which is a more convenient class (than Request) to generate Requests based on form data.
Module json_request This module implements the JsonRequest class which is a more convenient class (than Request) to generate JSON Requests.
Module rpc This module implements the XmlRpcRequest class which is a more convenient class (that Request) to generate xml-rpc requests.


Function NO_CALLBACK When assigned to the ``callback`` parameter of :class:`~scrapy.http.Request`, it indicates that the request is not meant to have a spider callback at all.
Type Variable RequestTypeVar Undocumented
Function _find_method Helper function for Request.to_dict
RequestTypeVar = (source)


def NO_CALLBACK(*args, **kwargs): (source)

When assigned to the ``callback`` parameter of :class:`~scrapy.http.Request`, it indicates that the request is not meant to have a spider callback at all. For example: .. code-block:: python Request("", callback=NO_CALLBACK) This value should be used by :ref:`components <topics-components>` that create and handle their own requests, e.g. through :meth:``, so that downloader middlewares handling such requests can treat them differently from requests intended for the :meth:`~scrapy.Spider.parse` callback.

def _find_method(obj, func): (source)

Helper function for Request.to_dict