class documentation

class SpiderLoader: (source)

Implements interfaces: scrapy.interfaces.ISpiderLoader

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SpiderLoader is a class which locates and loads spiders in a Scrapy project.

Class Method from_settings Return an instance of the class for the given settings
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method find_by_request Return the list of spider names that can handle the given request.
Method list Return a list with the names of all spiders available in the project.
Method load Return the Spider class for the given spider name. If the spider name is not found, raise a KeyError.
Instance Variable spider_modules Undocumented
Instance Variable warn_only Undocumented
Method _check_name_duplicates Undocumented
Method _load_all_spiders Undocumented
Method _load_spiders Undocumented
Instance Variable _found Undocumented
Instance Variable _spiders Undocumented
def from_settings(cls, settings): (source)

Return an instance of the class for the given settings

def __init__(self, settings): (source)


def find_by_request(self, request): (source)

Return the list of spider names that can handle the given request.

def list(self): (source)

Return a list with the names of all spiders available in the project.

def load(self, spider_name): (source)

Return the Spider class for the given spider name. If the spider name is not found, raise a KeyError.

spider_modules = (source)


warn_only = (source)


def _check_name_duplicates(self): (source)


def _load_all_spiders(self): (source)


def _load_spiders(self, module): (source)



_spiders: dict = (source)
