module documentation


Function arglist_to_dict Convert a list of arguments like ['arg1=val1', 'arg2=val2', ...] to a dict
Function build_component_list Compose a component list from a { class: order } dictionary.
Function closest_scrapy_cfg Return the path to the closest scrapy.cfg file by traversing the current directory and its parents
Function feed_complete_default_values_from_settings Undocumented
Function feed_process_params_from_cli Receives feed export params (from the 'crawl' or 'runspider' commands), checks for inconsistencies in their quantities and returns a dictionary suitable to be used as the FEEDS setting.
Function get_config Get Scrapy config file as a ConfigParser
Function get_sources Undocumented
Function init_env Initialize environment to use command-line tool from inside a project dir. This sets the Scrapy settings module and modifies the Python path to be able to locate the project module.
def arglist_to_dict(arglist): (source)

Convert a list of arguments like ['arg1=val1', 'arg2=val2', ...] to a dict

def build_component_list(compdict, custom=None, convert=update_classpath): (source)

Compose a component list from a { class: order } dictionary.

def closest_scrapy_cfg(path: Union[str, os.PathLike] = '.', prevpath: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None) -> str: (source)

Return the path to the closest scrapy.cfg file by traversing the current directory and its parents

def feed_complete_default_values_from_settings(feed, settings): (source)


def feed_process_params_from_cli(settings, output: List[str], output_format=None, overwrite_output: Optional[List[str]] = None): (source)

Receives feed export params (from the 'crawl' or 'runspider' commands), checks for inconsistencies in their quantities and returns a dictionary suitable to be used as the FEEDS setting.

def get_config(use_closest=True): (source)

Get Scrapy config file as a ConfigParser

def get_sources(use_closest=True) -> List[str]: (source)


def init_env(project='default', set_syspath=True): (source)

Initialize environment to use command-line tool from inside a project dir. This sets the Scrapy settings module and modifies the Python path to be able to locate the project module.