class documentation

class _AsyncCooperatorAdapter(Iterator): (source)

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A class that wraps an async iterable into a normal iterator suitable for using in Cooperator.coiterate(). As it's only needed for parallel_async(), it calls the callable directly in the callback, instead of providing a more generic interface. On the outside, this class behaves as an iterator that yields Deferreds. Each Deferred is fired with the result of the callable which was called on the next result from aiterator. It raises StopIteration when aiterator is exhausted, as expected. Cooperator calls __next__() multiple times and waits on the Deferreds returned from it. As async generators (since Python 3.8) don't support awaiting on __anext__() several times in parallel, we need to serialize this. It's done by storing the Deferreds returned from __next__() and firing the oldest one when a result from __anext__() is available. The workflow: 1. When __next__() is called for the first time, it creates a Deferred, stores it in self.waiting_deferreds and returns it. It also makes a Deferred that will wait for self.aiterator.__anext__() and puts it into self.anext_deferred. 2. If __next__() is called again before self.anext_deferred fires, more Deferreds are added to self.waiting_deferreds. 3. When self.anext_deferred fires, it either calls _callback() or _errback(). Both clear self.anext_deferred. 3.1. _callback() calls the callable passing the result value that it takes, pops a Deferred from self.waiting_deferreds, and if the callable result was a Deferred, it chains those Deferreds so that the waiting Deferred will fire when the result Deferred does, otherwise it fires it directly. This causes one awaiting task to receive a result. If self.waiting_deferreds is still not empty, new __anext__() is called and self.anext_deferred is populated. 3.2. _errback() checks the exception class. If it's StopAsyncIteration it means self.aiterator is exhausted and so it sets self.finished and fires all self.waiting_deferreds. Other exceptions are propagated. 4. If __next__() is called after __anext__() was handled, then if self.finished is True, it raises StopIteration, otherwise it acts like in step 2, but if self.anext_deferred is now empty is also populates it with a new __anext__(). Note that CooperativeTask ignores the value returned from the Deferred that it waits for, so we fire them with None when needed. It may be possible to write an async iterator-aware replacement for Cooperator/CooperativeTask and use it instead of this adapter to achieve the same goal.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __next__ Undocumented
Instance Variable aiterator Undocumented
Instance Variable anext_deferred Undocumented
Instance Variable callable Undocumented
Instance Variable callable_args Undocumented
Instance Variable callable_kwargs Undocumented
Instance Variable finished Undocumented
Instance Variable waiting_deferreds Undocumented
Method _call_anext Undocumented
Method _callback Undocumented
Method _errback Undocumented
def __init__(self, aiterable: AsyncIterable, callable: Callable, *callable_args, **callable_kwargs): (source)


def __next__(self) -> Deferred: (source)


aiterator = (source)


anext_deferred = (source)


callable = (source)


callable_args = (source)


callable_kwargs = (source)


finished: bool = (source)


waiting_deferreds: List[Deferred] = (source)


def _call_anext(self): (source)


def _callback(self, result: Any): (source)


def _errback(self, failure: Failure): (source)
