package documentation

Extensions to the 'distutils' for large or complex distributions

Module archive_util Utilities for extracting common archive formats
Module build_meta A PEP 517 interface to setuptools
Package command No package docstring; 6/25 modules documented
Package config For backward compatibility, expose main functions from ``setuptools.config.setupcfg``
Module dep_util No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module depends No module docstring; 4/5 functions, 1/1 class documented
Module discovery Automatic discovery of Python modules and packages (for inclusion in the distribution) and other config values.
Module dist No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 15/24 functions, 1/1 exception, 1/1 class documented
Module errors setuptools.errors
Module extension No module docstring; 0/1 variable, 1/1 function, 1/1 class documented
Package extern No package docstring; 0/1 variable, 1/1 class documented
Module glob Filename globbing utility. Mostly a copy of `glob` from Python 3.5.
Module installer No module docstring; 3/6 functions, 0/1 class documented
Module launch Launch the Python script on the command line after setuptools is bootstrapped via import.
Module logging No module docstring; 1/3 function documented
Module monkey Monkey patching of distutils.
Module msvc Improved support for Microsoft Visual C++ compilers.
Module namespaces Undocumented
Module package_index PyPI and direct package downloading.
Module py34compat Undocumented
Module sandbox No module docstring; 0/3 constant, 6/12 functions, 1/1 exception, 4/4 classes documented
Package tests No package docstring; 0/2 variable, 17/49 modules, 0/2 package documented
Module unicode_utils No module docstring; 2/3 functions documented
Module version Undocumented
Module wheel Wheels support.
Module windows_support No module docstring; 1/2 function documented
Module _deprecation_warning Undocumented
Package _distutils No package docstring; 0/2 variable, 26/33 modules, 2/2 packages documented
Module _entry_points No module docstring; 5/8 functions documented
Module _imp Re-implementation of find_module and get_frozen_object from the deprecated imp module.
Module _importlib No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module _itertools No module docstring; 1/1 function documented
Module _normalization Helpers for normalization as expected in wheel/sdist/module file names and core metadata
Module _path No module docstring; 0/1 type alias, 3/3 functions documented
Module _reqs No module docstring; 0/1 type alias, 0/1 type variable, 2/2 functions documented
Package _vendor No package docstring; 1/3 module, 1/6 package documented


Class Command Setuptools internal actions are organized using a *command design pattern*. This means that each action (or group of closely related actions) executed during the build should be implemented as a ``Command`` subclass.
Class Extension Describes a single extension module.
Class sic Treat this string as-is (
Exception SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning Base class for warning deprecations in ``setuptools``
Function convert_path Undocumented
Function findall Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames. Unless dir is '.', return full filenames with dir prepended.
Function setup Undocumented
Variable bootstrap_install_from Undocumented
Function _fetch_build_eggs Undocumented
Function _find_all_simple Find all files under 'path'
Function _install_setup_requires Undocumented
Variable _Command Undocumented
bootstrap_install_from = (source)


def _install_setup_requires(attrs): (source)


def _fetch_build_eggs(dist): (source)


def setup(**attrs): (source)


_Command = (source)


def _find_all_simple(path): (source)

Find all files under 'path'

def findall(dir=os.curdir): (source)

Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames. Unless dir is '.', return full filenames with dir prepended.

def convert_path(pathname): (source)
