class documentation

class AsciiMap(object): (source)

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Helper class for handling map drawing and coordinate calculations

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method draw Draw internal data to curses window
Method latlon_to_coords Convert lat/lon coordinates to character positions. Very naive version, assumes that we are drawing the whole world TODO: filter out stuff that doesn't fit TODO: make it possible to use "zoomed" maps
Method set_data Set / convert internal data. For now it just selects a random set to show.
Instance Variable colors Undocumented
Instance Variable coords Undocumented
Instance Variable corners Undocumented
Instance Variable data Undocumented
Instance Variable data_timestamp Undocumented
Instance Variable encoding Undocumented
Instance Variable map Undocumented
Instance Variable window Undocumented
def __init__(self, map_name='world', map_conf=None, window=None, encoding=None): (source)


def draw(self, target): (source)

Draw internal data to curses window

def latlon_to_coords(self, lat, lon): (source)

Convert lat/lon coordinates to character positions. Very naive version, assumes that we are drawing the whole world TODO: filter out stuff that doesn't fit TODO: make it possible to use "zoomed" maps

def set_data(self, data): (source)

Set / convert internal data. For now it just selects a random set to show.





data_timestamp = (source)


encoding = (source)


