module documentation

Transforms for LaTeX builder.

Class BibliographyTransform Gather bibliography entries to tail of document.
Class CitationReferenceTransform Replace pending_xref nodes for citation by citation_reference.
Class DocumentTargetTransform Add :doc label to the first section of each document.
Class FootnoteCollector Collect footnotes and footnote references on the document
Class FootnoteDocnameUpdater Add docname to footnote and footnote_reference nodes.
Class IndexInSectionTitleTransform Move index nodes in section title to outside of the title.
Class LaTeXFootnoteTransform Convert footnote definitions and references to appropriate form to LaTeX.
Class LaTeXFootnoteVisitor Undocumented
Class LiteralBlockTransform Replace container nodes for literal_block by captioned_literal_block.
Class MathReferenceTransform Replace pending_xref nodes for math by math_reference.
Class ShowUrlsTransform Expand references to inline text or footnotes.
Class SubstitutionDefinitionsRemover Remove ``substitution_definition`` nodes from doctrees.
Function setup Undocumented
Constant URI_SCHEMES Undocumented
def setup(app): (source)


dict[str, Any]Undocumented
URI_SCHEMES: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


('mailto:', 'http:', 'https:', 'ftp:')