class documentation

class SearchSpanish(SearchLanguage): (source)

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Method init Initialize the class with the options the user has given.
Method stem This method implements stemming algorithm of the Python version.
Class Variable js_stemmer_rawcode Undocumented
Class Variable lang Undocumented
Class Variable language_name Undocumented
Instance Variable stemmer Undocumented

Inherited from SearchLanguage:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method split This method splits a sentence into words. Default splitter splits input at white spaces, which should be enough for most languages except CJK languages.
Method word_filter Return true if the target word should be registered in the search index. This method is called after stemming.
Class Variable js_splitter_code Undocumented
Class Variable js_stemmer_code Undocumented
Class Variable stopwords Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Class Variable _word_re Undocumented
def init(self, options): (source)

Initialize the class with the options the user has given.

def stem(self, word): (source)

This method implements stemming algorithm of the Python version. Default implementation does nothing. You should implement this if the language has any stemming rules. This class is used to preprocess search words before registering them in the search index. The stemming of the Python version and the JS version (given in the js_stemmer_code attribute) must be compatible.

js_stemmer_rawcode: str = (source)
