class documentation

A subclass of :class:`Sphinx` that runs on the test root, with some better default values for the initialization parameters.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method build Undocumented
Method cleanup Undocumented
Class Variable _status Undocumented
Class Variable _warning Undocumented
Instance Variable _saved_directives Undocumented
Instance Variable _saved_nodeclasses Undocumented
Instance Variable _saved_path Undocumented
Instance Variable _saved_roles Undocumented

Inherited from Sphinx:

Method add_autodoc_attrgetter Register a new ``getattr``-like function for the autodoc extension.
Method add_autodocumenter Register a new documenter class for the autodoc extension.
Method add_builder Register a new builder.
Method add_config_value Register a configuration value.
Method add_crossref_type Register a new crossref object type.
Method add_css_file Register a stylesheet to include in the HTML output.
Method add_directive Register a Docutils directive.
Method add_directive_to_domain Register a Docutils directive in a domain.
Method add_domain Register a domain.
Method add_enumerable_node Register a Docutils node class as a numfig target.
Method add_env_collector Register an environment collector class.
Method add_event Register an event called *name*.
Method add_generic_role Register a generic Docutils role.
Method add_html_math_renderer Register a math renderer for HTML.
Method add_html_theme Register a HTML Theme.
Method add_index_to_domain Register a custom index for a domain.
Method add_js_file Register a JavaScript file to include in the HTML output.
Method add_latex_package Register a package to include in the LaTeX source code.
Method add_lexer Register a new lexer for source code.
Method add_message_catalog Register a message catalog.
Method add_node Register a Docutils node class.
Method add_object_type Register a new object type.
Method add_post_transform Register a Docutils transform to be applied before writing.
Method add_role Register a Docutils role.
Method add_role_to_domain Register a Docutils role in a domain.
Method add_search_language Register a new language for the HTML search index.
Method add_source_parser Register a parser class.
Method add_source_suffix Register a suffix of source files.
Method add_transform Register a Docutils transform to be applied after parsing.
Method connect Register *callback* to be called when *event* is emitted.
Method create_builder Undocumented
Method disconnect Unregister callback by *listener_id*.
Method emit Emit *event* and pass *arguments* to the callback functions.
Method emit_firstresult Emit *event* and pass *arguments* to the callback functions.
Method is_parallel_allowed Check whether parallel processing is allowed or not.
Method preload_builder Undocumented
Method require_sphinx Check the Sphinx version if requested.
Method set_html_assets_policy Set the policy to include assets in HTML pages.
Method set_translator Register or override a Docutils translator class.
Method setup_extension Import and setup a Sphinx extension module.
Instance Variable builder Undocumented
Instance Variable confdir Undocumented
Instance Variable config Undocumented
Instance Variable doctreedir Undocumented
Instance Variable env Undocumented
Instance Variable events Undocumented
Instance Variable extensions Undocumented
Instance Variable keep_going Undocumented
Instance Variable messagelog Undocumented
Instance Variable outdir Undocumented
Instance Variable parallel Undocumented
Instance Variable pdb Undocumented
Instance Variable phase Undocumented
Instance Variable project Undocumented
Instance Variable quiet Undocumented
Instance Variable registry Undocumented
Instance Variable srcdir Undocumented
Instance Variable statuscode Undocumented
Instance Variable tags Undocumented
Instance Variable translator Undocumented
Instance Variable verbosity Undocumented
Instance Variable warningiserror Undocumented
Method _create_fresh_env Undocumented
Method _init_builder Undocumented
Method _init_env Undocumented
Method _init_i18n Load translated strings from the configured localedirs if enabled in the configuration.
Method _load_existing_env Undocumented
Method _post_init_env Undocumented
Instance Variable _fresh_env_used Undocumented
Instance Variable _warncount Undocumented
def __init__(self, buildername='html', srcdir=None, builddir=None, freshenv=False, confoverrides=None, status=None, warning=None, tags=None, docutilsconf=None, parallel=0): (source)


def __repr__(self): (source)


def build(self, force_all=False, filenames=None): (source)


def cleanup(self, doctrees=False): (source)


_saved_directives = (source)


_saved_nodeclasses = (source)


_saved_path = (source)


_saved_roles = (source)
