module documentation

Utility code for "Doc fields". "Doc fields" are reST field lists in object descriptions that will be domain-specifically transformed to a more appealing presentation.

Class DocFieldTransformer Transforms field lists in "doc field" syntax into better-looking equivalents, using the field type definitions given on a domain.
Class Field A doc field that is never grouped. It can have an argument or not, the argument can be linked using a specified *rolename*. Field should be used for doc fields that usually don't occur more than once.
Class GroupedField A doc field that is grouped; i.e., all fields of that type will be transformed into one field with its body being a bulleted list. It always has an argument. The argument can be linked using the given *rolename*...
Class TypedField A doc field that is grouped and has type information for the arguments. It always has an argument. The argument can be linked using the given *rolename*, the type using the given *typerolename*.
Variable logger Undocumented
Function _is_single_paragraph True if the node only contains one paragraph (and system messages).


def _is_single_paragraph(node): (source)

True if the node only contains one paragraph (and system messages).
