class documentation

A base class for Sphinx directives. This class provides helper methods for Sphinx directives. .. note:: The subclasses of this class might not work with docutils. This class is strongly coupled with Sphinx.

Method get_location Get current location info for logging.
Method get_source_info Get source and line number.
Method set_source_info Set source and line number to the node.
Property config Reference to the :class:`.Config` object.
Property env Reference to the :class:`.BuildEnvironment` object.
def get_location(self): (source)

Get current location info for logging.

def get_source_info(self): (source)

Get source and line number.

tuple[str, int]Undocumented
def set_source_info(self, node): (source)

Set source and line number to the node.


Reference to the :class:`.Config` object.

Reference to the :class:`.BuildEnvironment` object.