class documentation


Method __init__ Construct a new ``IdentifierPreparer`` object.
Method quote_schema Prepare a quoted table and schema name.
Method _escape_identifier Escape an identifier.
Method _unescape_identifier Canonicalize an escaped identifier.

Inherited from IdentifierPreparer:

Method format_alias Undocumented
Method format_collation Undocumented
Method format_column Prepare a quoted column name.
Method format_constraint Undocumented
Method format_index Undocumented
Method format_label Undocumented
Method format_label_name Prepare a quoted column name.
Method format_savepoint Undocumented
Method format_schema Prepare a quoted schema name.
Method format_sequence Undocumented
Method format_table Prepare a quoted table and schema name.
Method format_table_seq Format table name and schema as a tuple.
Method quote Conditionally quote an identifier.
Method quote_identifier Quote an identifier.
Method truncate_and_render_constraint_name Undocumented
Method truncate_and_render_index_name Undocumented
Method unformat_identifiers Unpack 'schema.table.column'-like strings into components.
Method validate_sql_phrase keyword sequence filter.
Class Variable schema_for_object Return the .schema attribute for an object.
Instance Variable dialect Undocumented
Instance Variable escape_quote Undocumented
Instance Variable escape_to_quote Undocumented
Instance Variable final_quote Undocumented
Instance Variable initial_quote Undocumented
Instance Variable omit_schema Undocumented
Instance Variable quote_case_sensitive_collations Undocumented
Method _render_schema_translates Undocumented
Method _requires_quotes Return True if the given identifier requires quoting.
Method _requires_quotes_illegal_chars Return True if the given identifier requires quoting, but not taking case convention into account.
Method _truncate_and_render_maxlen_name Undocumented
Method _with_schema_translate Undocumented
Instance Variable _double_percents Undocumented
Instance Variable _strings Undocumented
Property _r_identifiers Undocumented
def __init__(self, dialect): (source)

Construct a new ``IdentifierPreparer`` object. initial_quote Character that begins a delimited identifier. final_quote Character that ends a delimited identifier. Defaults to `initial_quote`. omit_schema Prevent prepending schema name. Useful for databases that do not support schemae.

def quote_schema(self, schema, force=None): (source)

Prepare a quoted table and schema name.

def _escape_identifier(self, value): (source)

Escape an identifier. Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent escaping behavior.

def _unescape_identifier(self, value): (source)

Canonicalize an escaped identifier. Subclasses should override this to provide database-dependent unescaping behavior that reverses _escape_identifier.