module documentation

.. dialect:: oracle+oracledb :name: python-oracledb :dbapi: oracledb :connectstring: oracle+oracledb://user:pass@hostname:port[/dbname][?service_name=<service>[&key=value&key=value...]] :url: python-oracledb is released by Oracle to supersede the cx_Oracle driver. It is fully compatible with cx_Oracle and features both a "thin" client mode that requires no dependencies, as well as a "thick" mode that uses the Oracle Client Interface in the same way as cx_Oracle. .. seealso:: :ref:`cx_oracle` - all of cx_Oracle's notes apply to the oracledb driver as well. Thick mode support ------------------ By default the ``python-oracledb`` is started in thin mode, that does not require oracle client libraries to be installed in the system. The ``python-oracledb`` driver also support a "thick" mode, that behaves similarly to ``cx_oracle`` and requires that Oracle Client Interface (OCI) is installed. To enable this mode, the user may call ``oracledb.init_oracle_client`` manually, or by passing the parameter ``thick_mode=True`` to :func:`_sa.create_engine`. To pass custom arguments to ``init_oracle_client``, like the ``lib_dir`` path, a dict may be passed to this parameter, as in:: engine = sa.create_engine("oracle+oracledb://...", thick_mode={ "lib_dir": "/path/to/oracle/client/lib", "driver_name": "my-app" }) .. seealso:: .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 added support for oracledb driver.

Class OracleDialect_oracledb Undocumented