module documentation

.. dialect:: sqlite+aiosqlite :name: aiosqlite :dbapi: aiosqlite :connectstring: sqlite+aiosqlite:///file_path :url: The aiosqlite dialect provides support for the SQLAlchemy asyncio interface running on top of pysqlite. aiosqlite is a wrapper around pysqlite that uses a background thread for each connection. It does not actually use non-blocking IO, as SQLite databases are not socket-based. However it does provide a working asyncio interface that's useful for testing and prototyping purposes. Using a special asyncio mediation layer, the aiosqlite dialect is usable as the backend for the :ref:`SQLAlchemy asyncio <asyncio_toplevel>` extension package. This dialect should normally be used only with the :func:`_asyncio.create_async_engine` engine creation function:: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine engine = create_async_engine("sqlite+aiosqlite:///filename") The URL passes through all arguments to the ``pysqlite`` driver, so all connection arguments are the same as they are for that of :ref:`pysqlite`. .. _aiosqlite_udfs: User-Defined Functions ---------------------- aiosqlite extends pysqlite to support async, so we can create our own user-defined functions (UDFs) in Python and use them directly in SQLite queries as described here: :ref:`pysqlite_udfs`.

Class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_connection Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_cursor Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_dbapi Undocumented
Class AsyncAdapt_aiosqlite_ss_cursor Undocumented
Class AsyncAdaptFallback_aiosqlite_connection Undocumented
Class SQLiteDialect_aiosqlite Undocumented
Class SQLiteExecutionContext_aiosqlite Undocumented