class documentation

Cursor strategy for a result that has no open cursor. There are two varieties of this strategy, one for DQL and one for DML (and also DDL), each of which represent a result that had a cursor but no longer has one.

Method fetchall Undocumented
Method fetchmany Undocumented
Method fetchone Undocumented
Method hard_close Undocumented
Method soft_close Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Method _non_result Undocumented

Inherited from ResultFetchStrategy:

Method handle_exception Undocumented
Method yield_per Undocumented
Class Variable alternate_cursor_description Undocumented
def fetchall(self, result, dbapi_cursor): (source)
def fetchmany(self, result, dbapi_cursor, size=None): (source)
def fetchone(self, result, dbapi_cursor, hard_close=False): (source)
def hard_close(self, result, dbapi_cursor): (source)
def soft_close(self, result, dbapi_cursor): (source)