class documentation


Class Variable creator A function that creates new target entities. Given one parameter: value. This assertion is assumed::
Class Variable setter A function. Given an associated object and a value, store that value on the object.
Method _bulk_replace Undocumented
Method _create Undocumented
Method _get Undocumented

Inherited from _AssociationCollection:

Method __bool__ Undocumented
Method __getstate__ Undocumented
Method __init__ Constructs an _AssociationCollection.
Method __len__ Undocumented
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method clear Undocumented
Class Variable col Undocumented
Instance Variable getter A function. Given an associated object, return the 'value'.
Instance Variable lazy_collection A callable returning a list-based collection of entities (usually an object attribute managed by a SQLAlchemy relationship())
Instance Variable parent Undocumented

A function that creates new target entities. Given one parameter: value. This assertion is assumed:: obj = creator(somevalue) assert getter(obj) == somevalue

A function. Given an associated object and a value, store that value on the object.

def _bulk_replace(self, assoc_proxy: AssociationProxyInstance[Any], values: Iterable[_IT]): (source)
def _create(self, value: _T) -> Any: (source)


def _get(self, object_: Any) -> _T: (source)
