class documentation

class async_sessionmaker(Generic[_AS]): (source)

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A configurable :class:`.AsyncSession` factory. The :class:`.async_sessionmaker` factory works in the same way as the :class:`.sessionmaker` factory, to generate new :class:`.AsyncSession` objects when called, creating them given the configurational arguments established here. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import async_sessionmaker async def run_some_sql(async_session: async_sessionmaker[AsyncSession]) -> None: async with async_session() as session: session.add(SomeObject(data="object")) session.add(SomeOtherObject(name="other object")) await session.commit() async def main() -> None: # an AsyncEngine, which the AsyncSession will use for connection # resources engine = create_async_engine('postgresql+asyncpg://scott:tiger@localhost/') # create a reusable factory for new AsyncSession instances async_session = async_sessionmaker(engine) await run_some_sql(async_session) await engine.dispose() The :class:`.async_sessionmaker` is useful so that different parts of a program can create new :class:`.AsyncSession` objects with a fixed configuration established up front. Note that :class:`.AsyncSession` objects may also be instantiated directly when not using :class:`.async_sessionmaker`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 :class:`.async_sessionmaker` provides a :class:`.sessionmaker` class that's dedicated to the :class:`.AsyncSession` object, including pep-484 typing support. .. seealso:: :ref:`asyncio_orm` - shows example use :class:`.sessionmaker` - general overview of the :class:`.sessionmaker` architecture :ref:`session_getting` - introductory text on creating sessions using :class:`.sessionmaker`.

Method __call__ Produce a new :class:`.AsyncSession` object using the configuration established in this :class:`.async_sessionmaker`.
Method __init__ Construct a new :class:`.async_sessionmaker`.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method begin Produce a context manager that both provides a new :class:`_orm.AsyncSession` as well as a transaction that commits.
Method configure (Re)configure the arguments for this async_sessionmaker.
Instance Variable class_ Undocumented
Instance Variable kw Undocumented
def __call__(self, **local_kw: Any) -> _AS: (source)

Produce a new :class:`.AsyncSession` object using the configuration established in this :class:`.async_sessionmaker`. In Python, the ``__call__`` method is invoked on an object when it is "called" in the same way as a function:: AsyncSession = async_sessionmaker(async_engine, expire_on_commit=False) session = AsyncSession() # invokes sessionmaker.__call__()

def __init__(self, bind: Optional[_AsyncSessionBind] = ..., *, class_: Type[_AS], autoflush: bool = ..., expire_on_commit: bool = ..., info: Optional[_InfoType] = ..., **kw: Any):
def __init__(self: async_sessionmaker[AsyncSession], bind: Optional[_AsyncSessionBind] = ..., *, autoflush: bool = ..., expire_on_commit: bool = ..., info: Optional[_InfoType] = ..., **kw: Any):

Construct a new :class:`.async_sessionmaker`. All arguments here except for ``class_`` correspond to arguments accepted by :class:`.Session` directly. See the :meth:`.AsyncSession.__init__` docstring for more details on parameters.

def __repr__(self) -> str: (source)


Produce a context manager that both provides a new :class:`_orm.AsyncSession` as well as a transaction that commits. e.g.:: async def main(): Session = async_sessionmaker(some_engine) async with Session.begin() as session: session.add(some_object) # commits transaction, closes session

def configure(self, **new_kw: Any): (source)

(Re)configure the arguments for this async_sessionmaker. e.g.:: AsyncSession = async_sessionmaker(some_engine) AsyncSession.configure(bind=create_async_engine('sqlite+aiosqlite://'))

