class documentation

class OrderingList(List[_T]): (source)

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A custom list that manages position information for its children. The :class:`.OrderingList` object is normally set up using the :func:`.ordering_list` factory function, used in conjunction with the :func:`_orm.relationship` function.

Method __delitem__ Undocumented
Method __delslice__ Undocumented
Method __init__ A custom list that manages position information for its children.
Method __reduce__ Undocumented
Method __setitem__ Undocumented
Method __setslice__ Undocumented
Method append Undocumented
Method insert Undocumented
Method pop Undocumented
Method remove Undocumented
Method reorder Synchronize ordering for the entire collection.
Instance Variable ordering_attr Undocumented
Instance Variable ordering_func Undocumented
Instance Variable reorder_on_append Undocumented
Method _get_order_value Undocumented
Method _order_entity Undocumented
Method _raw_append Append without any ordering behavior.
Method _set_order_value Undocumented
def __delitem__(self, index): (source)


def __delslice__(self, start, end): (source)


def __init__(self, ordering_attr: Optional[str] = None, ordering_func: Optional[OrderingFunc] = None, reorder_on_append: bool = False): (source)

A custom list that manages position information for its children. ``OrderingList`` is a ``collection_class`` list implementation that syncs position in a Python list with a position attribute on the mapped objects. This implementation relies on the list starting in the proper order, so be **sure** to put an ``order_by`` on your relationship. :param ordering_attr: Name of the attribute that stores the object's order in the relationship. :param ordering_func: Optional. A function that maps the position in the Python list to a value to store in the ``ordering_attr``. Values returned are usually (but need not be!) integers. An ``ordering_func`` is called with two positional parameters: the index of the element in the list, and the list itself. If omitted, Python list indexes are used for the attribute values. Two basic pre-built numbering functions are provided in this module: ``count_from_0`` and ``count_from_1``. For more exotic examples like stepped numbering, alphabetical and Fibonacci numbering, see the unit tests. :param reorder_on_append: Default False. When appending an object with an existing (non-None) ordering value, that value will be left untouched unless ``reorder_on_append`` is true. This is an optimization to avoid a variety of dangerous unexpected database writes. SQLAlchemy will add instances to the list via append() when your object loads. If for some reason the result set from the database skips a step in the ordering (say, row '1' is missing but you get '2', '3', and '4'), reorder_on_append=True would immediately renumber the items to '1', '2', '3'. If you have multiple sessions making changes, any of whom happen to load this collection even in passing, all of the sessions would try to "clean up" the numbering in their commits, possibly causing all but one to fail with a concurrent modification error. Recommend leaving this with the default of False, and just call ``reorder()`` if you're doing ``append()`` operations with previously ordered instances or when doing some housekeeping after manual sql operations.

def __reduce__(self): (source)


def __setitem__(self, index, entity): (source)


def __setslice__(self, start, end, values): (source)


def append(self, entity): (source)


def insert(self, index, entity): (source)


def pop(self, index=-1): (source)


def remove(self, entity): (source)


def reorder(self): (source)

Synchronize ordering for the entire collection. Sweeps through the list and ensures that each object has accurate ordering information set.

ordering_attr = (source)


ordering_func = (source)


reorder_on_append = (source)


def _get_order_value(self, entity): (source)


def _order_entity(self, index, entity, reorder=True): (source)


def _raw_append(self, entity): (source)

Append without any ordering behavior.

def _set_order_value(self, entity, value): (source)
