class documentation


Class Method get_entity_description Undocumented
Class Method get_returning_column_descriptions Undocumented
Class Variable is_dml_returning Undocumented
Instance Variable from_statement_ctx Undocumented
Instance Variable select_statement Undocumented
Class Method _get_crud_kv_pairs Undocumented
Class Method _get_multi_crud_kv_pairs Undocumented
Class Method _get_orm_crud_kv_pairs Undocumented
Class Method _return_orm_returning Undocumented
Method _setup_orm_returning establish ORM column handlers for an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE which uses explicit returning().

Inherited from AbstractORMCompileState:

Class Method create_for_statement Create a context for a statement given a :class:`.Compiler`.
Class Method orm_execute_statement Undocumented
Class Method orm_pre_session_exec Undocumented
Class Method orm_setup_cursor_result Undocumented

Inherited from CompileState (via AbstractORMCompileState):

Class Method get_plugin_class Undocumented
Class Method plugin_for Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Class Variable plugins Undocumented
Instance Variable statement Undocumented
Class Method _get_plugin_class_for_plugin Undocumented
Class Variable _ambiguous_table_name_map Undocumented
def get_entity_description(cls, statement): (source)


def get_returning_column_descriptions(cls, statement): (source)


from_statement_ctx = (source)


select_statement = (source)
def _get_crud_kv_pairs(cls, statement, kv_iterator, needs_to_be_cacheable): (source)


def _get_multi_crud_kv_pairs(cls, statement, kv_iterator): (source)


def _get_orm_crud_kv_pairs(cls, mapper, statement, kv_iterator, needs_to_be_cacheable): (source)


def _return_orm_returning(cls, session, statement, params, execution_options, bind_arguments, result): (source)


def _setup_orm_returning(self, compiler, orm_level_statement, dml_level_statement, use_supplemental_cols=True, dml_mapper=None): (source)

establish ORM column handlers for an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE which uses explicit returning(). called within compilation level create_for_statement. The _return_orm_returning() method then receives the Result after the statement was executed, and applies ORM loading to the state that we first established here.