class documentation

class InstrumentationFactory(EventTarget): (source)

Known subclasses: sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation.ExtendedInstrumentationRegistry

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Factory for new ClassManager instances.

Method create_manager_for_cls Undocumented
Method unregister Undocumented
Class Variable dispatch Undocumented
Method _check_conflicts Overridden by a subclass to test for conflicting factories.
Method _locate_extended_factory Overridden by a subclass to do an extended lookup.
def create_manager_for_cls(self, class_: Type[_O]) -> ClassManager[_O]: (source)


def unregister(self, class_: Type[_O]): (source)
dispatch: dispatcher[InstrumentationFactory] = (source)


def _check_conflicts(self, class_: Type[_O], factory: Callable[[Type[_O]], ClassManager[_O]]): (source)

Overridden by a subclass to test for conflicting factories.

def _locate_extended_factory(self, class_: Type[_O]) -> Tuple[Optional[ClassManager[_O]], Optional[_ManagerFactory]]: (source)

Overridden by a subclass to do an extended lookup.