module documentation

Base constructs for connection pools.

Class ConnectionPoolEntry Interface for the object that maintains an individual database connection on behalf of a :class:`_pool.Pool` instance.
Class ManagesConnection Common base for the two connection-management interfaces :class:`.PoolProxiedConnection` and :class:`.ConnectionPoolEntry`.
Class Pool Abstract base class for connection pools.
Class PoolProxiedConnection A connection-like adapter for a :pep:`249` DBAPI connection, which includes additional methods specific to the :class:`.Pool` implementation.
Class PoolResetState describes the state of a DBAPI connection as it is being passed to the :meth:`.PoolEvents.reset` connection pool event.
Class ResetStyle Describe options for "reset on return" behaviors.
Variable reset_commit Undocumented
Variable reset_none Undocumented
Variable reset_rollback Undocumented
Class _AdhocProxiedConnection provides the :class:`.PoolProxiedConnection` interface for cases where the DBAPI connection is not actually proxied.
Class _AsyncConnDialect Undocumented
Class _ConnDialect partial implementation of :class:`.Dialect` which provides DBAPI connection methods.
Class _ConnectionFairy Proxies a DBAPI connection and provides return-on-dereference support.
Class _ConnectionRecord Maintains a position in a connection pool which references a pooled connection.
Class _CreatorFnType Undocumented
Class _CreatorWRecFnType Undocumented
Function _finalize_fairy Cleanup for a :class:`._ConnectionFairy` whether or not it's already been garbage collected.
Type Alias _ResetStyleArgType Undocumented
Variable _strong_ref_connection_records Undocumented
reset_commit = (source)


reset_none = (source)


reset_rollback = (source)


def _finalize_fairy(dbapi_connection: Optional[DBAPIConnection], connection_record: Optional[_ConnectionRecord], pool: Pool, ref: Optional[weakref.ref[_ConnectionFairy]], echo: Optional[log._EchoFlagType], transaction_was_reset: bool = False, fairy: Optional[_ConnectionFairy] = None): (source)

Cleanup for a :class:`._ConnectionFairy` whether or not it's already been garbage collected. When using an async dialect no IO can happen here (without using a dedicated thread), since this is called outside the greenlet context and with an already running loop. In this case function will only log a message and raise a warning.

_ResetStyleArgType = (source)


Union[ResetStyle, Literal[True, None, False, 'commit', 'rollback']]
