class documentation

class ResultColumnsEntry(NamedTuple): (source)

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Tracks a column expression that is expected to be represented in the result rows for this statement. This normally refers to the columns clause of a SELECT statement but may also refer to a RETURNING clause, as well as for dialect-specific emulations.

Class Variable keyname string name that's expected in cursor.description
Class Variable name column name, may be labeled
Class Variable objects sequence of objects that should be able to locate this column in a RowMapping. This is typically string names and aliases as well as Column objects.
Class Variable type Datatype to be associated with this column. This is where the "result processing" logic directly links the compiled statement to the rows that come back from the cursor.

string name that's expected in cursor.description

column name, may be labeled

objects: Tuple[Any, ...] = (source)

sequence of objects that should be able to locate this column in a RowMapping. This is typically string names and aliases as well as Column objects.

Datatype to be associated with this column. This is where the "result processing" logic directly links the compiled statement to the rows that come back from the cursor.