class documentation

class AnalyzedCode: (source)

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Class Method get Undocumented
Method __init__ Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable bindparam_trackers Undocumented
Instance Variable build_py_wrappers Undocumented
Instance Variable closure_trackers Undocumented
Instance Variable track_bound_values Undocumented
Instance Variable track_closure_variables Undocumented
Class Method _roll_down_to_literal Undocumented
Method _bound_parameter_getter_func_closure Return a getter that will extend a list of bound parameters with new entries from the ``__closure__`` collection of a particular lambda.
Method _bound_parameter_getter_func_globals Return a getter that will extend a list of bound parameters with new entries from the ``__globals__`` collection of a particular lambda.
Method _cache_key_getter_closure_variable Return a getter that will extend a cache key with new entries from the ``__closure__`` collection of a particular lambda.
Method _cache_key_getter_track_on Return a getter that will extend a cache key with new entries from the "track_on" parameter passed to a :class:`.LambdaElement`.
Method _cache_key_getter_tracked_literal Return a getter that will extend a cache key with new entries from the ``__closure__`` collection of a particular lambda.
Method _init_closure Undocumented
Method _init_globals Undocumented
Method _init_track_on Undocumented
Method _raise_for_uncacheable_closure_variable Undocumented
Method _setup_additional_closure_trackers Undocumented
Class Variable _fns Undocumented
Class Variable _generation_mutex Undocumented
def get(cls, fn, lambda_element, lambda_kw, **kw): (source)


def __init__(self, fn, lambda_element, opts): (source)


__slots__: tuple[str, ...] = (source)


bindparam_trackers: list = (source)


build_py_wrappers: list = (source)


closure_trackers: list = (source)


track_bound_values = (source)


track_closure_variables = (source)


def _roll_down_to_literal(cls, element): (source)


def _bound_parameter_getter_func_closure(self, name, closure_index): (source)

Return a getter that will extend a list of bound parameters with new entries from the ``__closure__`` collection of a particular lambda.

def _bound_parameter_getter_func_globals(self, name): (source)

Return a getter that will extend a list of bound parameters with new entries from the ``__globals__`` collection of a particular lambda.

def _cache_key_getter_closure_variable(self, fn, variable_name, idx, cell_contents, use_clause_element=False, use_inspect=False): (source)

Return a getter that will extend a cache key with new entries from the ``__closure__`` collection of a particular lambda.

def _cache_key_getter_track_on(self, idx, elem): (source)

Return a getter that will extend a cache key with new entries from the "track_on" parameter passed to a :class:`.LambdaElement`.

def _cache_key_getter_tracked_literal(self, fn, pytracker): (source)

Return a getter that will extend a cache key with new entries from the ``__closure__`` collection of a particular lambda. this getter differs from _cache_key_getter_closure_variable in that these are detected after the function is run, and PyWrapper objects have recorded that a particular literal value is in fact not being interpreted as a bound parameter.

def _init_closure(self, fn): (source)


def _init_globals(self, fn): (source)


def _init_track_on(self, track_on): (source)


def _raise_for_uncacheable_closure_variable(self, variable_name, fn, from_=None): (source)


def _setup_additional_closure_trackers(self, fn, lambda_element, opts): (source)


_generation_mutex = (source)
