class documentation

Indicates DB-native types supported by an :class:`.Emulated` type. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0b3

Class Method adapt_emulated_to_native Given an impl, adapt this type's class to the impl assuming "native".
Class Method adapt_native_to_emulated Given an impl, adapt this type's class to the impl assuming "emulated".

Inherited from TypeEngineMixin:

Method adapt Undocumented
Method dialect_impl Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Property _static_cache_key Undocumented
def adapt_emulated_to_native(cls, impl: Union[TypeEngine[Any], TypeEngineMixin], **kw: Any) -> TypeEngine[Any]: (source)

Given an impl, adapt this type's class to the impl assuming "native". The impl will be an :class:`.Emulated` class but not a :class:`.NativeForEmulated`. e.g.: postgresql.ENUM produces a type given an Enum instance.

def adapt_native_to_emulated(cls, impl: Union[TypeEngine[Any], TypeEngineMixin], **kw: Any) -> TypeEngine[Any]: (source)

Given an impl, adapt this type's class to the impl assuming "emulated".