class documentation

Apply translation of functions to accept \**kw arguments if they don't already. Used to ensure cross-compatibility with third party legacy code, for things like compiler visit methods that need to accept ``**kw`` arguments, but may have been copied from old code that didn't accept them.

Method __init_subclass__ Undocumented
Class Variable ensure_kwarg a regular expression that indicates method names for which the method should accept ``**kw`` arguments.
Class Method _wrap_w_kw Undocumented
def __init_subclass__(cls): (source)


ensure_kwarg: str = (source)

a regular expression that indicates method names for which the method should accept ``**kw`` arguments. The class will scan for methods matching the name template and decorate them if necessary to ensure ``**kw`` parameters are accepted.

def _wrap_w_kw(cls, fn: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: (source)
