module documentation


Class TomlArraySeparatorEncoder Undocumented
Class TomlEncoder No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 1/6 method documented
Class TomlNumpyEncoder Undocumented
Class TomlPathlibEncoder Undocumented
Class TomlPreserveCommentEncoder Undocumented
Class TomlPreserveInlineDictEncoder Undocumented
Function dump Writes out dict as toml to a file
Function dumps Stringifies input dict as toml
Function _dump_float Undocumented
Function _dump_str Undocumented
Function _dump_time Undocumented
def dump(o, f, encoder=None): (source)

Writes out dict as toml to a file Args: o: Object to dump into toml f: File descriptor where the toml should be stored encoder: The ``TomlEncoder`` to use for constructing the output string Returns: String containing the toml corresponding to dictionary Raises: TypeError: When anything other than file descriptor is passed

def dumps(o, encoder=None): (source)

Stringifies input dict as toml Args: o: Object to dump into toml encoder: The ``TomlEncoder`` to use for constructing the output string Returns: String containing the toml corresponding to dict Examples: ```python >>> import toml >>> output = { ... 'a': "I'm a string", ... 'b': ["I'm", "a", "list"], ... 'c': 2400 ... } >>> toml.dumps(output) 'a = "I'm a string" b = [ "I'm", "a", "list",] c = 2400 ' ```

def _dump_float(v): (source)


def _dump_str(v): (source)


def _dump_time(v): (source)
