module documentation


Class HTTPClient No class docstring; 0/3 instance variable, 9/10 methods documented
Function urlencode Undocumented
Class _BodyBufferingProtocol Undocumented
Class _BufferedResponse Undocumented
Function _coerced_query_params Carefully coerce *params* in the same way as `urllib.parse.urlencode()`
Function _convert_files Files can be passed in a variety of formats:
Function _convert_params Undocumented
Function _from_bytes Undocumented
Function _from_file Undocumented
Function _guess_content_type Undocumented
Function _query_quote Percent-encode a querystring name or value.
Function _scoped_cookiejar_from_dict Create a CookieJar from a dictionary whose cookies are all scoped to the given URL's origin.
Constant _NOTHING Undocumented
def urlencode(query, doseq): (source)


def _coerced_query_params(params): (source)

Carefully coerce *params* in the same way as `urllib.parse.urlencode()` Parameter names and values are coerced to unicode, which is encoded as UTF-8 and then percent-encoded. As a special case, `bytes` are directly percent-encoded. :param params: A mapping or sequence of (name, value) two-tuples. The value may be a list or tuple of multiple values. Names and values may be pretty much any type. :returns: A generator that yields two-tuples containing percent-encoded text strings. :rtype: Iterator[Tuple[Text, Text]]

def _convert_files(files): (source)

Files can be passed in a variety of formats: * {"fieldname": open("bla.f", "rb")} * {"fieldname": ("filename", open("bla.f", "rb"))} * {"fieldname": ("filename", "content-type", open("bla.f", "rb"))} * Anything that has iteritems method, e.g. MultiDict: MultiDict([(name, open()), (name, open())] Our goal is to standardize it to unified form of: * [(param, (file name, content type, producer))]

def _convert_params(params): (source)


def _from_bytes(orig_bytes): (source)


def _from_file(orig_file): (source)


def _guess_content_type(filename): (source)


def _query_quote(v): (source)

Percent-encode a querystring name or value. :param v: A value. :returns: The value, coerced to a string and percent-encoded as appropriate for a querystring (with space as ``+``).

def _scoped_cookiejar_from_dict(url_object, cookie_dict): (source)

Create a CookieJar from a dictionary whose cookies are all scoped to the given URL's origin. @note: This does not scope the cookies to any particular path, only the host, port, and scheme of the given URL.

_NOTHING = (source)

