class documentation

class _HTTPBinDescription: (source)

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Describe an ``httpbin`` process. :param host: The host on which the process listens. :type host: :py:class:`str` :param port: The port on which the process listens. :type port: :py:class:`int` :param cacert: (optional) The PEM-encoded certificate authority's certificate. The calling process' treq must trust this when running HTTPS tests. :type cacert: :py:class:`bytes` or :py:class:`None`

Class Method from_json_bytes Deserialize an instance from JSON bytes.
Method to_json_bytes Serialize an instance from JSON bytes.
Instance Variable cacert Undocumented
Instance Variable host Undocumented
Instance Variable port Undocumented
def from_json_bytes(cls, json_data): (source)

Deserialize an instance from JSON bytes.

def to_json_bytes(self): (source)

Serialize an instance from JSON bytes.

cacert = (source)


host = (source)


port = (source)
