class documentation

class ForeverHTTPBinTests(SynchronousTestCase): (source)

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Tests for :py:func:`_forever_httpbin`

Method assertDescriptionAndDeferred Assert that firing ``description_deferred`` outputs the description but that ``forever_deferred`` never fires.
Method make_httpbin_site A fake :py:func:`child._make_httpbin_site`.
Method output_process_description A fake :py:func:`child._output_process_description`
Method serve_tcp A fake :py:func:`child._serve_tcp`.
Method serve_tls A fake :py:func:`child._serve_tls`.
Method setUp Undocumented
Method test_default_arguments The default command line arguments host ``httpbin`` on ``localhost`` and a randomly-assigned port, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.
Method test_host The ``--host`` command line argument serves ``httpbin`` on provided host, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.
Method test_https The ``--https`` command line argument serves ``httpbin`` over HTTPS, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.
Method test_port The ``--port`` command line argument serves ``httpbin`` on the provided port, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.
Instance Variable forever_httpbin Undocumented
Instance Variable make_httpbin_site_returns Undocumented
Instance Variable output_process_description_calls Undocumented
Instance Variable output_process_description_returns Undocumented
Instance Variable reactor Undocumented
Instance Variable serve_tcp_calls Undocumented
Instance Variable serve_tcp_returns Undocumented
Instance Variable serve_tls_calls Undocumented
Instance Variable serve_tls_returns Undocumented
def assertDescriptionAndDeferred(self, description_deferred, forever_deferred): (source)

Assert that firing ``description_deferred`` outputs the description but that ``forever_deferred`` never fires.

def make_httpbin_site(self, reactor, *args, **kwargs): (source)

A fake :py:func:`child._make_httpbin_site`.

def output_process_description(self, description, *args, **kwargs): (source)

A fake :py:func:`child._output_process_description`

def serve_tcp(self, reactor, host, port, site): (source)

A fake :py:func:`child._serve_tcp`.

def serve_tls(self, reactor, host, port, site): (source)

A fake :py:func:`child._serve_tls`.

def setUp(self): (source)


def test_default_arguments(self): (source)

The default command line arguments host ``httpbin`` on ``localhost`` and a randomly-assigned port, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.

def test_host(self): (source)

The ``--host`` command line argument serves ``httpbin`` on provided host, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.

def test_https(self): (source)

The ``--https`` command line argument serves ``httpbin`` over HTTPS, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.

def test_port(self): (source)

The ``--port`` command line argument serves ``httpbin`` on the provided port, returning a :py:class:`Deferred` that never fires.

forever_httpbin = (source)


make_httpbin_site_returns = (source)


output_process_description_calls: list = (source)


output_process_description_returns = (source)


reactor = (source)


serve_tcp_calls: list = (source)


serve_tcp_returns = (source)


serve_tls_calls: list = (source)


serve_tls_returns = (source)
