class documentation

class HTTPServerProcessProtocolTests(SynchronousTestCase): (source)

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Tests for :py:class:`parent._HTTPBinServerProcessProtocol`

Method assertStandardInputAndOutputClosed The transport's standard in, out, and error are closed.
Method setUp Undocumented
Method test_connection_lost ``terminated`` fires when the connection is lost.
Method test_connection_lost_before_receiving_data If the process terminates before its data is received, both ``all_data_received`` and ``terminated`` errback.
Method test_receive_http_description Receiving a serialized :py:class:`_HTTPBinDescription` fires the ``all_data_received`` :py:class:`Deferred`.
Method test_receive_unexpected_line Receiving a line after the description synchronously raises in :py:class:`RuntimeError`
Instance Variable all_data_received Undocumented
Instance Variable protocol Undocumented
Instance Variable terminated Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented
Instance Variable transport_state Undocumented
def assertStandardInputAndOutputClosed(self): (source)

The transport's standard in, out, and error are closed.

def setUp(self): (source)


def test_connection_lost(self): (source)

``terminated`` fires when the connection is lost.

def test_connection_lost_before_receiving_data(self): (source)

If the process terminates before its data is received, both ``all_data_received`` and ``terminated`` errback.

def test_receive_http_description(self): (source)

Receiving a serialized :py:class:`_HTTPBinDescription` fires the ``all_data_received`` :py:class:`Deferred`.

def test_receive_unexpected_line(self): (source)

Receiving a line after the description synchronously raises in :py:class:`RuntimeError`

all_data_received = (source)


protocol = (source)


terminated = (source)


transport = (source)


transport_state = (source)
