class documentation

class DefaultPoolTests(TestCase): (source)

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Test `treq.api.default_pool`.

Method setUp Undocumented
Method test_cached_global_pool When *persistent=True* or *persistent=None* is passed the pool created is cached as the global pool.
Method test_persistent_false When *persistent=False* is passed a non-persistent pool is created.
Method test_persistent_false_new When *persistent=False* is passed a new pool is returned each time.
Method test_persistent_false_not_stored When *persistent=False* is passed the resulting pool is not stored as the global pool.
Method test_pool_none_persistent_none When *persistent=None* is passed a _persistent_ pool is created for backwards compatibility.
Method test_pool_none_persistent_true When *persistent=True* is passed a persistent pool is created and stored as the global pool.
Method test_specified_pool When the user passes a pool it is returned directly. The *persistent* argument is ignored. It is not cached as the global pool.
Instance Variable reactor Undocumented
def setUp(self): (source)


def test_cached_global_pool(self): (source)

When *persistent=True* or *persistent=None* is passed the pool created is cached as the global pool.

def test_persistent_false(self): (source)

When *persistent=False* is passed a non-persistent pool is created.

def test_persistent_false_new(self): (source)

When *persistent=False* is passed a new pool is returned each time.

def test_persistent_false_not_stored(self): (source)

When *persistent=False* is passed the resulting pool is not stored as the global pool.

def test_pool_none_persistent_none(self): (source)

When *persistent=None* is passed a _persistent_ pool is created for backwards compatibility.

def test_pool_none_persistent_true(self): (source)

When *persistent=True* is passed a persistent pool is created and stored as the global pool.

def test_specified_pool(self): (source)

When the user passes a pool it is returned directly. The *persistent* argument is ignored. It is not cached as the global pool.

reactor = (source)
