class documentation

class RequestSequence: (source)

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For an example usage, see :meth:`RequestSequence.consume`. Takes a sequence of:: [((method, url, params, headers, data), (code, headers, body)), ...] Expects the requests to arrive in sequence order. If there are no more responses, or the request's parameters do not match the next item's expected request parameters, calls `sync_failure_reporter` or `async_failure_reporter`. For the expected request tuples: - ``method`` should be :class:`bytes` normalized to lowercase. - ``url`` should be a `str` normalized as per the `transformations in that (usually) preserve semantics <>`_. A URL to `http://something-that-looks-like-a-directory` would be normalized to `http://something-that-looks-like-a-directory/` and a URL to `http://something-that-looks-like-a-page/page.html` remains unchanged. - ``params`` is a dictionary mapping :class:`bytes` to :class:`list` of :class:`bytes`. - ``headers`` is a dictionary mapping :class:`bytes` to :class:`list` of :class:`bytes` -- note that :class:`twisted.web.client.Agent` may add its own headers which are not guaranteed to be present (for instance, `user-agent` or `content-length`), so it's better to use some kind of matcher like :class:`HasHeaders`. - ``data`` is a :class:`bytes`. For the response tuples: - ``code`` is an integer representing the HTTP status code to return. - ``headers`` is a dictionary mapping :class:`bytes` to :class:`bytes` or :class:`str`. Note that the value is *not* a list. - ``body`` is a :class:`bytes`. :ivar list sequence: A sequence of (request tuple, response tuple) two-tuples, as described above. :ivar async_failure_reporter: An optional callable that takes a :class:`str` message indicating a failure. It's asynchronous because it cannot just raise an exception—if it does, :meth:`Resource.render <twisted.web.resource.Resource.render>` will just convert that into a 500 response, and there will be no other failure reporting mechanism. When the `async_failure_reporter` parameter is not passed, async failures will be reported via a :class:`twisted.logger.Logger` instance, which Trial's test case classes (:class:`twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase` and :class:`~twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase`) will translate into a test failure. .. note:: Some versions of :class:`twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase` report logged errors on the wrong test: see `Twisted #9267 <>`_. .. TODO Update the above note to say what version of SynchronousTestCase is fixed once Twisted >17.5.0 is released. When not subclassing Trial's classes you must pass `async_failure_reporter` and implement equivalent behavior or errors will pass silently. For example:: async_failures = [] sequence_stubs = RequestSequence([...], async_failures.append) stub_treq = StubTreq(StringStubbingResource(sequence_stubs)) with sequence_stubs.consume( # self = unittest.TestCase stub_treq.get('') self.assertEqual([], async_failures)

Method __call__ :return: the next response in the sequence, provided that the parameters match the next in the sequence.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method consume Usage::
Method consumed :return: `bool` representing whether the entire sequence has been consumed. This is useful in tests to assert that the expected requests have all been made.
Method _log_async_error The default async failure reporter—see `async_failure_reporter`. Logs a failure which wraps an :ex:`AssertionError`.
Class Variable _log Undocumented
Instance Variable _async_reporter Undocumented
Instance Variable _sequence Undocumented
def __call__(self, method, url, params, headers, data): (source)

:return: the next response in the sequence, provided that the parameters match the next in the sequence.

def __init__(self, sequence, async_failure_reporter=None): (source)


def consume(self, sync_failure_reporter): (source)

Usage:: sequence_stubs = RequestSequence([...]) stub_treq = StubTreq(StringStubbingResource(sequence_stubs)) # self = twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase with sequence_stubs.consume( stub_treq.get('') stub_treq.get('') If there are still remaining expected requests to be made in the sequence, fails the provided test case. :param sync_failure_reporter: A callable that takes a single message reporting failures. This can just raise an exception - it does not need to be asynchronous, since the exception would not get raised within a Resource. :return: a context manager that can be used to ensure all expected requests have been made.

def consumed(self): (source)

:return: `bool` representing whether the entire sequence has been consumed. This is useful in tests to assert that the expected requests have all been made.

def _log_async_error(self, message): (source)

The default async failure reporter—see `async_failure_reporter`. Logs a failure which wraps an :ex:`AssertionError`. :param str message: Failure message

_log = (source)


_async_reporter = (source)


_sequence = (source)
