class documentation

class AbortableFakeTransport(FakeTransport): (source)

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A FakeTransport with added abortConnection support.

Method abortConnection Abort the connection in a fake manner.
Instance Variable aborted Undocumented

Inherited from FakeTransport:

Method __init__ No summary
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method bufferReceived Undocumented
Method getHost Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the connection.
Method getOutBuffer Get the pending writes from this transport, clearing them from the pending buffer.
Method getPeer Get the remote address of this connection.
Method getTcpKeepAlive Return if SO_KEEPALIVE is enabled.
Method getTcpNoDelay Return if TCP_NODELAY is enabled.
Method logPrefix Identify this transport/event source to the logging system.
Method loseConnection Close my connection, after writing all pending data.
Method loseWriteConnection Half-close the write side of a TCP connection.
Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method registerProducer From abstract.FileDescriptor
Method reportDisconnect Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method setTcpKeepAlive Enable/disable SO_KEEPALIVE.
Method setTcpNoDelay Enable/disable TCP_NODELAY.
Method startTLS Initiate TLS negotiation.
Method stopConsuming Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented
Method unregisterProducer Undocumented
Method write Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion.
Method writeSequence Write an iterable of byte strings to the physical connection.
Class Variable closed Undocumented
Class Variable disconnected Undocumented
Class Variable disconnectReason Undocumented
Instance Variable disconnecting Undocumented
Instance Variable hostAddress Undocumented
Instance Variable isServer Undocumented
Instance Variable peerAddress Undocumented
Instance Variable producer Undocumented
Instance Variable protocol Undocumented
Instance Variable serial Undocumented
Instance Variable stream Undocumented
Instance Variable streamingProducer Undocumented
Instance Variable tls Undocumented
Instance Variable tlsbuf Undocumented
Method _checkProducer Undocumented
Class Variable _nextserial Undocumented
def abortConnection(self): (source)

Abort the connection in a fake manner.

This should really be implemented in the underlying module.
