class documentation

A trivial extension of the telnet protocol class useful to unit tests.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method applicationDataReceived Record the given data in
Method unhandledCommand Record the given command in
Method unhandledSubnegotiation Record the given subnegotiation command in
Instance Variable events Undocumented

Inherited from Telnet:

Method commandReceived Undocumented
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method disableLocal Signal a programming error by raising an exception.
Method disableRemote Signal a programming error by raising an exception.
Method do Undocumented
Method do_no_false Undocumented
Method do_no_true Undocumented
Method do_yes_false Undocumented
Method do_yes_true Undocumented
Method dont Undocumented
Method dont_no_false Undocumented
Method dont_no_true Undocumented
Method dont_yes_false Undocumented
Method dont_yes_true Undocumented
Method enableLocal Reject all attempts to enable options.
Method enableRemote Reject all attempts to enable options.
Method getOptionState Undocumented
Method negotiate Undocumented
Method requestNegotiation Send a negotiation message for the option about with data as the payload.
Method telnet_DO Undocumented
Method telnet_DONT Undocumented
Method telnet_WILL Undocumented
Method telnet_WONT Undocumented
Method will Indicate our willingness to enable an option.
Method will_no_false Undocumented
Method will_no_true Undocumented
Method will_yes_false Undocumented
Method will_yes_true Undocumented
Method wont Indicate we are not willing to enable an option.
Method wont_no_false Undocumented
Method wont_no_true Undocumented
Method wont_yes_false Undocumented
Method wont_yes_true Undocumented
Class Variable doMap Undocumented
Class Variable dontMap Undocumented
Class Variable willMap Undocumented
Class Variable wontMap Undocumented
Instance Variable commandMap A mapping of bytes to callables. When a telnet command is received, the command byte (the first byte after IAC) is looked up in this dictionary. If a callable is found, it is invoked with the argument of the command, or None if the command takes no argument...
Instance Variable negotiationMap A mapping of bytes to callables. When a subnegotiation command is received, the command byte (the first byte after SB) is looked up in this dictionary. If a callable is found, it is invoked with the argument of the subnegotiation...
Instance Variable options A mapping of option bytes to their current state. This state is likely of little use to user code. Changes should not be made to it.
Instance Variable state A string indicating the current parse state. It can take on the values "data", "escaped", "command", "newline", "subnegotiation", and "subnegotiation-escaped". Changes should not be made to it.
Instance Variable transport This protocol's transport object.
Class _OptionState Represents the state of an option on both sides of a telnet connection.
Method _do Undocumented
Method _dont Undocumented
Method _will Undocumented
Method _wont Undocumented
Method _write Undocumented

Inherited from Protocol (via Telnet):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Class Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via Telnet, Protocol):

Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
def __init__(self): (source)


def applicationDataReceived(self, data): (source)

Record the given data in

def unhandledCommand(self, command, data): (source)

Record the given command in

def unhandledSubnegotiation(self, command, data): (source)

Record the given subnegotiation command in
