class documentation

class MockCipher: (source)

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A mocked-up version of twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SSHCiphers.

Method decrypt Called to decrypt the packet. Simply record that decryption was used and return the data unchanged.
Method encrypt Called to encrypt the packet. Simply record that encryption was used and return the data unchanged.
Method makeMAC Make a Message Authentication Code by sending the character value of the outgoing packet.
Method setKeys Record the keys.
Method verify Verify the Message Authentication Code by checking that the packet sequence number is the same.
Class Variable decBlockSize Undocumented
Class Variable encBlockSize Undocumented
Class Variable inCipType Undocumented
Class Variable inMAC Undocumented
Class Variable inMACType Undocumented
Class Variable outCipType Undocumented
Class Variable outMAC Undocumented
Class Variable outMACType Undocumented
Class Variable verifyDigestSize Undocumented
Instance Variable keys Undocumented
Instance Variable usedDecrypt Undocumented
Instance Variable usedEncrypt Undocumented
def decrypt(self, x): (source)

Called to decrypt the packet. Simply record that decryption was used and return the data unchanged.

def encrypt(self, x): (source)

Called to encrypt the packet. Simply record that encryption was used and return the data unchanged.

def makeMAC(self, outgoingPacketSequence, payload): (source)

Make a Message Authentication Code by sending the character value of the outgoing packet.

def setKeys(self, ivOut, keyOut, ivIn, keyIn, macIn, macOut): (source)

Record the keys.

def verify(self, incomingPacketSequence, packet, macData): (source)

Verify the Message Authentication Code by checking that the packet sequence number is the same.

decBlockSize: int = (source)


encBlockSize: int = (source)


inCipType: bytes = (source)



inMACType: bytes = (source)


outCipType: bytes = (source)



outMACType: bytes = (source)


verifyDigestSize: int = (source)



usedDecrypt: bool = (source)


usedEncrypt: bool = (source)
