class documentation

Defines helper methods that can be added on to any usage.Options subclass that needs authentication.

This mixin implements three new options methods:

The opt_auth method (--auth) will write two new values to the 'self' dictionary: credInterfaces (a dict of lists) and credCheckers (a list).

The opt_help_auth method (--help-auth) will search for all available checker plugins and list them for the user; it will exit when finished.

The opt_help_auth_type method (--help-auth-type) will display detailed help for a particular checker plugin.

Method addChecker Supply a supplied credentials checker to the Options class.
Method opt_auth Specify an authentication method for the server.
Method opt_help_auth Show all authentication methods available.
Method opt_help_auth_type Show help for a particular authentication type.
Method supportsCheckerFactory Returns whether a checker factory will provide at least one of the credentials interfaces that we care about.
Method supportsInterface Returns whether a particular credentials interface is supported.
Class Variable authOutput A writeable object to which this options class will send all help-related output. Default: sys.stdout
Class Variable supportedInterfaces An iterable object that returns credential interfaces which this application is able to support.
Method _checkerFactoriesForOptHelpAuth Return a list of which authTypes will be displayed by --help-auth. This makes it a lot easier to test this module.
def addChecker(self, checker): (source)

Supply a supplied credentials checker to the Options class.

def opt_auth(self, description): (source)

Specify an authentication method for the server.

def opt_help_auth(self): (source)

Show all authentication methods available.

def opt_help_auth_type(self, authType): (source)

Show help for a particular authentication type.

def supportsCheckerFactory(self, factory): (source)

Returns whether a checker factory will provide at least one of the credentials interfaces that we care about.

def supportsInterface(self, interface): (source)

Returns whether a particular credentials interface is supported.

authOutput = (source)

A writeable object to which this options class will send all help-related output. Default: sys.stdout

def _checkerFactoriesForOptHelpAuth(self): (source)

Return a list of which authTypes will be displayed by --help-auth. This makes it a lot easier to test this module.