module documentation

Tests for twisted.cred, now with 30% more starch.

Interface IDerivedCredentials Undocumented
Interface ITestable An interface for a theoretical protocol.
Class CheckersMixin unittest.TestCase mixin for testing that some checkers accept and deny specified credentials.
Class CredTests Tests for the meat of twisted.cred -- realms, portals, avatars, and checkers.
Class DerivedCredentials Undocumented
Class HashedPasswordOnDiskDatabaseTests Undocumented
Class HashlessFilePasswordDBCheckerTests Undocumented
Class HashlessFilePasswordDBMixin Undocumented
Class LocallyHashedFilePasswordDBCheckerTests Undocumented
Class LocallyHashedFilePasswordDBMixin Undocumented
Class NetworkHashedFilePasswordDBCheckerTests Undocumented
Class NetworkHashedFilePasswordDBMixin Undocumented
Class OnDiskDatabaseTests No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 0/1 class variable, 1/6 method documented
Class Testable A theoretical protocol for testing.
Class TestAvatar A test avatar.
Class TestRealm A basic test realm.
Class UsernameHashedPasswordTests UsernameHashedPassword is a deprecated class that is functionally equivalent to UsernamePassword.
Variable _uhpVersion Undocumented
_uhpVersion = (source)
