class documentation
Method setUp Create two DelayedCall instanced scheduled to run at different times.
Method test_eq A DelayedCall instance is only equal to itself.
Method test_ge For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a > b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run after b or at the same time as b.
Method test_gt For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a > b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run after b.
Method test_le For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a <= b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run before b or at the same time as b.
Method test_lt For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a < b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run before b.
Method test_ne A DelayedCall instance is not equal to any other object.
Method test_repr The string representation of a DelayedCall instance, as returned by {repr}, is identical to that returned by str.
Method test_str The string representation of a DelayedCall instance, as returned by str, includes the unsigned id of the instance, as well as its state, the function to be called, and the function arguments.
Instance Variable one Undocumented
Instance Variable zero Undocumented
Method _getDelayedCallAt Get a DelayedCall instance at a given time.
def setUp(self): (source)
def test_eq(self): (source)

A DelayedCall instance is only equal to itself.

def test_ge(self): (source)

For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a > b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run after b or at the same time as b.

def test_gt(self): (source)

For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a > b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run after b.

def test_le(self): (source)

For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a <= b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run before b or at the same time as b.

def test_lt(self): (source)

For two instances of DelayedCall a and b, a < b is true if and only if a is scheduled to run before b.

def test_ne(self): (source)

A DelayedCall instance is not equal to any other object.

def test_repr(self): (source)

The string representation of a DelayedCall instance, as returned by {repr}, is identical to that returned by str.

def test_str(self): (source)

The string representation of a DelayedCall instance, as returned by str, includes the unsigned id of the instance, as well as its state, the function to be called, and the function arguments.



def _getDelayedCallAt(self, time): (source)

Get a DelayedCall instance at a given time.

timeThe absolute time at which the returned DelayedCall will be scheduled.