class documentation

Create ITLSTransport.startTLS endpoint for the client, and normal SSL for server just because it's easier.

Method client Construct a TCP client endpoint wrapped to immediately start TLS.
Method server Construct an SSL server endpoint. This should be constructing a TCP server endpoint which immediately calls startTLS instead, but that is hard.

Inherited from ContextGeneratingMixin (via EndpointCreator):

Method getClientContext Undocumented
Method getServerContext Return a new SSL context suitable for use in a test server.
Class Variable _pem Undocumented
def client(self, reactor, serverAddress): (source)

Construct a TCP client endpoint wrapped to immediately start TLS.

def server(self, reactor): (source)

Construct an SSL server endpoint. This should be constructing a TCP server endpoint which immediately calls startTLS instead, but that is hard.