class documentation

ReceiveFileDescriptor provides an API for waiting for file descriptors to be received.

Method connectionLost Fail the waiting Deferred, initialized by waitForDescriptor, if there is one.
Method dataReceived Fail the waiting Deferred, if it has not already been fired by fileDescriptorReceived. The bytes sent along with a file descriptor are guaranteed to be delivered to the protocol's dataReceived method only after the file descriptor has been delivered to the protocol's ...
Method fileDescriptorReceived Fire the waiting Deferred, initialized by waitForDescriptor, with the file descriptor just received.
Method waitForDescriptor Return a Deferred which will fire with the next file descriptor received, or with a failure if the connection is or has already been lost.
Instance Variable reason The reason the connection was lost, after connectionLost is called.
Instance Variable waiting A Deferred which fires with a file descriptor once one is received, or with a failure if the connection is lost with no descriptor arriving.

Inherited from ConnectableProtocol:

Instance Variable disconnectReason The Failure passed to connectionLost.
Instance Variable reactor The reactor used in this test.
Method _setAttributes Set attributes on the protocol that are known only externally; this will be called by runProtocolsWithReactor when this protocol is instantiated.
Instance Variable _done A Deferred which will be fired when the connection is lost.

Inherited from Protocol (via ConnectableProtocol):

Method logPrefix Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance.
Class Variable factory Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via ConnectableProtocol, Protocol):

Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
Instance Variable connected Undocumented
Instance Variable transport Undocumented
def connectionLost(self, reason): (source)

Fail the waiting Deferred, initialized by waitForDescriptor, if there is one.

def dataReceived(self, data): (source)

Fail the waiting Deferred, if it has not already been fired by fileDescriptorReceived. The bytes sent along with a file descriptor are guaranteed to be delivered to the protocol's dataReceived method only after the file descriptor has been delivered to the protocol's fileDescriptorReceived.

def fileDescriptorReceived(self, descriptor): (source)

Fire the waiting Deferred, initialized by waitForDescriptor, with the file descriptor just received.

def waitForDescriptor(self): (source)

Return a Deferred which will fire with the next file descriptor received, or with a failure if the connection is or has already been lost.

The reason the connection was lost, after connectionLost is called.

A Deferred which fires with a file descriptor once one is received, or with a failure if the connection is lost with no descriptor arriving.