module documentation

Test cases for twisted.names.rfc1982.

Class SerialNumber2BitTests Tests for correct answers to example calculations in RFC1982 5.1.
Class SerialNumber8BitTests Tests for correct answers to example calculations in RFC1982 5.2.
Class SerialNumberTests Tests for SerialNumber.
Function assertUndefinedComparison A custom assertion for SerialNumber values that cannot be meaningfully compared.
Variable serialNumber2 Undocumented
Variable serialNumber8 Undocumented
def assertUndefinedComparison(testCase, s1, s2): (source)

A custom assertion for SerialNumber values that cannot be meaningfully compared.

"Note that there are some pairs of values s1 and s2 for which s1 is not equal to s2, but for which s1 is neither greater than, nor less than, s2. An attempt to use these ordering operators on such pairs of values produces an undefined result."

testCase:unittest.TestCaseThe unittest.TestCase on which to call assertion methods.
s1:SerialNumberThe first value to compare.
s2:SerialNumberThe second value to compare.
See Also
serialNumber2 = (source)


serialNumber8 = (source)
