interface documentation

class IFTPShell(Interface): (source)

Known implementations: twisted.protocols.ftp.FTPAnonymousShell

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An abstraction of the shell commands used by the FTP protocol for a given user account.

All path names must be absolute.

Method access Determine whether access to the given path is allowed.
Method list Retrieve information about the given path.
Method makeDirectory Create a directory.
Method openForReading No summary
Method openForWriting No summary
Method removeDirectory Remove a directory.
Method removeFile Remove a file.
Method rename Rename a file or directory.
Method stat Retrieve information about the given path.
def access(path): (source)

Determine whether access to the given path is allowed.

pathThe path, as a list of segments
A Deferred which fires with None if access is allowed or which fails with a specific exception type if access is denied.
def list(path, keys=()): (source)

Retrieve information about the given path.

If the path represents a non-directory, the result list should have only one entry with information about that non-directory. Otherwise, the result list should have an element for each child of the directory.

path:list of unicode or bytesThe path, as a list of segments, to list
keysA tuple of keys desired in the resulting dictionaries.

A Deferred which fires with a list of (name, list), where the name is the name of the entry as a unicode string or bytes and each list contains values corresponding to the requested keys. The following are possible elements of keys, and the values which should be returned for them:

  • 'size': size in bytes, as an integer (this is kinda required)
  • 'directory': boolean indicating the type of this entry
  • 'permissions': a bitvector (see os.stat(foo).st_mode)
  • 'hardlinks': Number of hard links to this entry
  • 'modified': number of seconds since the epoch since entry was modified
  • 'owner': string indicating the user owner of this entry
  • 'group': string indicating the group owner of this entry
def makeDirectory(path): (source)

Create a directory.

path:list of unicodeThe path, as a list of segments, to create
A Deferred which fires when the directory has been created, or which fails if the directory cannot be created.
def openForReading(path): (source)
path:list of unicodeThe path, as a list of segments, to open
Deferred which will fire with IReadFileUndocumented
def openForWriting(path): (source)
path:list of unicodeThe path, as a list of segments, to open
Deferred which will fire with IWriteFileUndocumented
def removeDirectory(path): (source)

Remove a directory.

path:list of unicodeThe path, as a list of segments, to remove
A Deferred which fires when the directory has been removed, or which fails if the directory cannot be removed.
def removeFile(path): (source)

Remove a file.

path:list of unicodeThe path, as a list of segments, to remove
A Deferred which fires when the file has been removed, or which fails if the file cannot be removed.
def rename(fromPath, toPath): (source)

Rename a file or directory.

fromPath:list of unicodeThe current name of the path.
toPath:list of unicodeThe desired new name of the path.
A Deferred which fires when the path has been renamed, or which fails if the path cannot be renamed.
def stat(path, keys=()): (source)

Retrieve information about the given path.

This is like list, except it will never return results about child paths.