package documentation

HAProxy PROXY protocol implementations.

Package test Unit tests for twisted.protocols.haproxy.
Module _exceptions HAProxy specific exceptions.
Module _info IProxyInfo implementation.
Module _interfaces Interfaces used by the PROXY protocol modules.
Module _parser Parser for 'haproxy:' string endpoint.
Module _v1parser IProxyParser implementation for version one of the PROXY protocol.
Module _v2parser IProxyParser implementation for version two of the PROXY protocol.
Module _wrapper Protocol wrapper that provides HAProxy PROXY protocol support.


Function proxyEndpoint Wrap an endpoint with PROXY protocol support, so that the transport's getHost and getPeer methods reflect the attributes of the proxied connection rather than the underlying connection.
def proxyEndpoint(wrappedEndpoint): (source)

Wrap an endpoint with PROXY protocol support, so that the transport's getHost and getPeer methods reflect the attributes of the proxied connection rather than the underlying connection.

wrappedEndpoint:IStreamServerEndpointThe underlying listening endpoint.
IStreamServerEndpointa new listening endpoint that speaks the PROXY protocol.