class documentation

A ServerFactory that has a set of acceptable protocols for NPN/ALPN negotiation.

Method __init__ Create a ServerNegotiationFactory.
Method acceptableProtocols Returns a list of protocols that can be spoken by the connection factory in the form of ALPN tokens, as laid out in the IANA registry for ALPN tokens.
Instance Variable _acceptableProtocols Undocumented

Inherited from Factory (via ServerFactory):

Class Method forProtocol Create a factory for the given protocol.
Method buildProtocol Create an instance of a subclass of Protocol.
Method doStart Make sure startFactory is called.
Method doStop Make sure stopFactory is called.
Method logPrefix Describe this factory for log messages.
Method startFactory This will be called before I begin listening on a Port or Connector.
Method stopFactory This will be called before I stop listening on all Ports/Connectors.
Class Variable noisy Undocumented
Class Variable protocol Undocumented
Instance Variable numPorts Undocumented
def __init__(self, acceptableProtocols): (source)

Create a ServerNegotiationFactory.

acceptableProtocols:list of bytesThe protocols the server will accept speaking after the TLS handshake is complete.
def acceptableProtocols(self): (source)

Returns a list of protocols that can be spoken by the connection factory in the form of ALPN tokens, as laid out in the IANA registry for ALPN tokens.

list of bytesa list of ALPN tokens in order of preference.
_acceptableProtocols = (source)
