class documentation

class ConnectionCompleter: (source)

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A ConnectionCompleter can cause synthetic TCP connections established by MemoryReactor.connectTCP and MemoryReactor.listenTCP to succeed or fail.

Method __init__ Create a ConnectionCompleter from a MemoryReactor.
Method failOnce Fail a single TCP connection established on this ConnectionCompleter's MemoryReactor.
Method succeedOnce Complete a single TCP connection established on this ConnectionCompleter's MemoryReactor.
Instance Variable _reactor Undocumented
def __init__(self, memoryReactor): (source)

Create a ConnectionCompleter from a MemoryReactor.

memoryReactor:MemoryReactorThe reactor to attach to.
def failOnce(self, reason=Failure(ConnectionRefusedError())): (source)

Fail a single TCP connection established on this ConnectionCompleter's MemoryReactor.

reason:Failurethe reason to provide that the connection failed.
def succeedOnce(self, debug=False): (source)

Complete a single TCP connection established on this ConnectionCompleter's MemoryReactor.

debug:boolA flag; whether to dump output from the established connection to stdout.
IOPump or Nonea pump for the connection, or None if no connection could be established.
_reactor = (source)
