class documentation

class ProtocolIncludingArgument(amp.Argument): (source)

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An amp.Argument which encodes its parser and serializer arguments *including the protocol* into its parsed and serialized forms.

Method fromStringProto Don't decode anything; just return all possible information.
Method toStringProto Encode identifying information about object and protocol into a string for later verification.

Inherited from Argument:

Method __init__ Create an Argument.
Method fromBox Populate an 'out' dictionary with mapping names to Python values decoded from an 'in' AmpBox mapping strings to string values.
Method fromString Convert a string to a Python object. Subclasses must implement this.
Method retrieve Retrieve the given key from the given dictionary, removing it if found.
Method toBox Populate an 'out' AmpBox with strings encoded from an 'in' dictionary mapping names to Python values.
Method toString Convert a Python object into a string for passing over the network.
Instance Variable optional Undocumented
def fromStringProto(self, string, protocol): (source)

Don't decode anything; just return all possible information.

A two-tuple of the input string and the protocol.
def toStringProto(self, obj, protocol): (source)

Encode identifying information about object and protocol into a string for later verification.
