class documentation

class TrackingFilePath(filepath.FilePath): (source)

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A subclass of filepath.FilePath which maintains a list of all other paths created by clonePath.

Method __init__ Convert a path string to an absolute path if necessary and initialize the FilePath with the result.
Method clonePath Override filepath.FilePath.clonePath to give the new path a reference to the same tracking list.
Method open Override 'open' to track all files opened by this path.
Method openedPaths Return a list of all TrackingFilePaths associated with this TrackingFilePath that have had their open() method called.
Instance Variable openedFiles A list of all file objects opened by this TrackingFilePath or any other TrackingFilePath in trackingList.
Instance Variable trackingList A list of all paths created by this path via clonePath (which also includes paths created by methods like parent, sibling, child, etc (and all paths subsequently created by those paths, etc).

Inherited from FilePath:

Method __cmp__ Undocumented
Method __getstate__ Support serialization by discarding cached os.stat results and returning everything else.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method asBytesMode Return this FilePath in bytes-mode.
Method asTextMode Return this FilePath in unicode-mode.
Method basename Retrieve the final component of the file path's path (everything after the final path separator).
Method changed Clear any cached information about the state of this path on disk.
Method child Create and return a new FilePath representing a path contained by self.
Method childSearchPreauth Return my first existing child with a name in paths.
Method chmod Changes the permissions on self, if possible. Propagates errors from os.chmod up.
Method copyTo Copies self to destination.
Method create Exclusively create a file, only if this file previously did not exist.
Method createDirectory Create the directory the FilePath refers to.
Method dirname Retrieve all of the components of the FilePath's path except the last one (everything up to the final path separator).
Method exists Check if this FilePath exists.
Method getAccessTime Retrieve the time that this file was last accessed.
Method getDevice Retrieves the device containing the file. The inode number and device number together uniquely identify the file, but the device number is not necessarily consistent across reboots or system crashes.
Method getGroupID Returns the group ID of the file.
Method getInodeNumber Retrieve the file serial number, also called inode number, which distinguishes this file from all other files on the same device.
Method getModificationTime Retrieve the time of last access from this file.
Method getNumberOfHardLinks Retrieves the number of hard links to the file.
Method getPermissions Returns the permissions of the file. Should also work on Windows, however, those permissions may not be what is expected in Windows.
Method getsize Retrieve the size of this file in bytes.
Method getStatusChangeTime Retrieve the time of the last status change for this file.
Method getUserID Returns the user ID of the file's owner.
Method globChildren Assuming I am representing a directory, return a list of FilePaths representing my children that match the given pattern.
Method isabs Check if this FilePath refers to an absolute path.
Method isBlockDevice Returns whether the underlying path is a block device.
Method isdir Check if this FilePath refers to a directory.
Method isfile Check if this file path refers to a regular file.
Method islink Check if this FilePath points to a symbolic link.
Method isSocket Returns whether the underlying path is a socket.
Method linkTo Creates a symlink to self to at the path in the FilePath linkFilePath.
Method listdir List the base names of the direct children of this FilePath.
Method makedirs Create all directories not yet existing in path segments, using os.makedirs.
Method moveTo Move self to destination - basically renaming self to whatever destination is named.
Method parent A file path for the directory containing the file at this file path.
Method preauthChild Use me if path might have slashes in it, but you know they're safe.
Method realpath Returns the absolute target as a FilePath if self is a link, self otherwise.
Method remove Removes the file or directory that is represented by self. If self.path is a directory, recursively remove all its children before removing the directory. If it's a file or link, just delete it.
Method requireCreate Sets the alwaysCreate variable.
Method restat Re-calculate cached effects of 'stat'. To refresh information on this path after you know the filesystem may have changed, call this method.
Method setContent Replace the file at this path with a new file that contains the given bytes, trying to avoid data-loss in the meanwhile.
Method siblingExtension Attempt to return a path with my name, given the extension at ext.
Method siblingExtensionSearch Attempt to return a path with my name, given multiple possible extensions.
Method splitext Split the file path into a pair (root, ext) such that root + ext == path.
Method temporarySibling Construct a path referring to a sibling of this path.
Method touch Updates the access and last modification times of the file at this file path to the current time. Also creates the file if it does not already exist.
Instance Variable alwaysCreate When opening this file, only succeed if the file does not already exist.
Instance Variable path The path from which 'downward' traversal is permitted.
Property sep Return a filesystem separator.
Method _asBytesPath Return the path of this FilePath as bytes.
Method _asTextPath Return the path of this FilePath as text.
Method _getPathAsSameTypeAs If pattern is bytes, return FilePath.path as bytes. Otherwise, return FilePath.path as unicode.
Class Variable _chunkSize Undocumented
Instance Variable _statinfo Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractFilePath (via FilePath):

Method __hash__ Hash the same as another FilePath with the same path as mine.
Method children List the children of this path object.
Method descendant Retrieve a child or child's child of this path.
Method getatime Deprecated. Use getAccessTime instead.
Method getContent Retrieve the contents of the file at this path.
Method getctime Deprecated. Use getStatusChangeTime instead.
Method getmtime Deprecated. Use getModificationTime instead.
Method parents Retrieve an iterator of all the ancestors of this path.
Method segmentsFrom Return a list of segments between a child and its ancestor.
Method sibling Return a FilePath with the same directory as this instance but with a basename of path.
Method walk Yield myself, then each of my children, and each of those children's children in turn.
def __init__(self, path, alwaysCreate=False, trackingList=None): (source)

Convert a path string to an absolute path if necessary and initialize the FilePath with the result.

def clonePath(self, name): (source)

Override filepath.FilePath.clonePath to give the new path a reference to the same tracking list.

def open(self, *a, **k): (source)

Override 'open' to track all files opened by this path.

def openedPaths(self): (source)

Return a list of all TrackingFilePaths associated with this TrackingFilePath that have had their open() method called.

openedFiles: list of file = (source)

A list of all file objects opened by this TrackingFilePath or any other TrackingFilePath in trackingList.

trackingList: list of TrackingFilePath = (source)

A list of all paths created by this path via clonePath (which also includes paths created by methods like parent, sibling, child, etc (and all paths subsequently created by those paths, etc).