class documentation

class PostfixTCPMapServerTestCase: (source)

Known subclasses: twisted.test.test_postfix.ValidTests

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Method test_chat Test that get and put commands are responded to correctly by postfix.PostfixTCPMapServer when its factory is an instance of postifx.PostfixTCPMapDictServerFactory.
Method test_deferredChat Test that get and put commands are responded to correctly by postfix.PostfixTCPMapServer when its factory is an instance of postifx.PostfixTCPMapDeferringDictServerFactory.
Method test_getException If the factory throws an exception, error code 400 must be returned.
Class Variable chat Undocumented
Class Variable data Undocumented
def test_chat(self): (source)

Test that get and put commands are responded to correctly by postfix.PostfixTCPMapServer when its factory is an instance of postifx.PostfixTCPMapDictServerFactory.

def test_deferredChat(self): (source)

Test that get and put commands are responded to correctly by postfix.PostfixTCPMapServer when its factory is an instance of postifx.PostfixTCPMapDeferringDictServerFactory.

def test_getException(self): (source)

If the factory throws an exception, error code 400 must be returned.