class documentation

class TestableLoopingCall(task.LoopingCall): (source)

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Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable clock Undocumented

Inherited from LoopingCall:

Class Method withCount An alternate constructor for LoopingCall that makes available the number of calls which should have occurred since it was last invoked.
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method reset Skip the next iteration and reset the timer.
Method start Start running function every interval seconds.
Method stop Stop running function.
Instance Variable a A tuple of arguments to pass the function.
Instance Variable call Undocumented
Instance Variable f The function to call.
Instance Variable interval Undocumented
Instance Variable kw A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the function.
Instance Variable running A flag which is True while f is scheduled to be called (or is currently being called). It is set to True when start is called and set to False when stop is called or if f raises an exception. In either case, it will be ...
Instance Variable starttime Undocumented
Property deferred DEPRECATED. Deferred fired when loop stops or fails.
Method _intervalOf Determine the number of intervals passed as of the given point in time.
Method _scheduleFrom Schedule the next iteration of this looping call.
Instance Variable _deferred Undocumented
Instance Variable _realLastTime When counting skips, the time at which the skip counter was last invoked.
Instance Variable _runAtStart A flag indicating whether the 'now' argument was passed to LoopingCall.start.
def __init__(self, clock, *a, **kw): (source)